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Stock-Recruitment Graphing Questions

A fishR user recently asked me In the book that you published, I frequently use the stock-recruit curve code. The interface that shows both the Ricker/Beverton-Holt figure with the recruit... [Read More]

Mean Weights at Ages From Lengths

Introduction Recently I was tasked with estimating mean weights at age for data that contained no weights, but did contain lengths and ages (ages were from applying an age-length key).... [Read More]

Joy Plot of Length Frequencies

There has been a bit of a buzz recently about so-called “joyplots.” Wilke described joyplots as “partially overlapping line plots that create the impression of a mountain range.” I would... [Read More]

Age Bias Plot Changes in FSA

In the last two weeks, I have posted twice about modifying age bias plots and Bland-Altman-like plots for comparing age estimates. From those posts, I have decided that I prefer... [Read More]