Why is Statistics a required course for many majors at Northland College? Why does Statistics meet the quantitative reasoning requirement of the Connections curriculum? This module is designed to help you identify answers to these questions.
After completing this module, you should be able to ...
- Describe the two major goals of statistics and why they are important.
- Define natural and sampling variability.
- Describe "difficulties" in making conclusions about population caused by sampling variability.
- Define "statistics" (as a field of study).
- Explain why statistics is important to your field of study.
Preparation for Class
Use the resources below to answer these questions. [Problems with videos?]
- Primary Resources (5 pages, 27 mins)
- Reading
Why Statistics? [4 mins]
The Importance of Statistics [3 mins]
Why You Need to Study Statistics [3 mins]
What is Statistics? [12 mins; start at 0:35]
What is Important About Statistics in Psychology? [5 mins; between 0:18 and 5:33]
- Additional Exercises
Fall 2020B In-Class “Review Lecture” [43 mins] … [projection is the class example above]