Module 6 Wrangle Columns

Previous modules were primarily focused on reading data into R and making sure the data were tidy. In this module we start wrangling data by manipulating columns, which with tidy data contain variables. Module 7 will further describe how to wrangle data through manipulating rows which contain observations. More complex wrangling topics will be discussed in subsequent modules.

Manipulating columns means you are manipulating variables.

The descriptive examples below will use the bears data frame from Section 3.3.1.

bears <- read_csv(file.path("data","Bears.csv"))
#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 3
#R> loc     
#R>        <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>   
#R>  1      139        110 Bayfield
#R>  2      120.        60 Bayfield
#R>  3      149         85 Bayfield
#R>  4      141        100 Ashland 
#R>  5      141         95 Ashland 
#R>  6      150         85 Douglas 
#R>  7      130.       105 Douglas 
#R>  8      150        110 Douglas


6.1 dplyr verbs

The primary tools for manipulating data frames used in this course are “verbs” from the dplyr package (which is part of the tidyverse). These functions are described in more detail in subsequent sections and modules but each function has the same following characteristics:

  • The first argument is a data frame or tibble.
  • Further arguments are directives explaining how to manipulate the data frame.
  • Variables do not need to be given in quotes.
  • A data frame or tibble is returned by the function.

Thus, these verbs are used in this general format;

new_df <- verb(old_df,...)

where new_df is a new data frame created by the verb function, verb is the name of the dplyr verb function, old_df is the old original data frame, and ... will be directive arguments.

The first argument to dplyr verb functions is a data frame.

6.2 Pipe

As you will see in future modules, several dplyr verbs may be used consecutively. For example, you may use verbs to select just the females in the data frame, add a new variable that calculates body mass index, and then order the observations from lowest to highest BMI.

The “pipe” operator, %>%, allows consecutive verbs to be connected in a more efficient and readable manner. The pipe takes the data frame from in front of %>% and places it into the first argument (by default) of the function after the %>%. For example, the general format of a dplyr verb from above could be rewritten like this

new_df <- old_df %>% verb(...)

because %>% will “pipe” old_df into the first argument of verb().

This may not look simpler in this case, but it allows for code like this …

new_df <- verb1(old_df,...)
new_df <- verb2(new_df,...)
new_df <- verb3(new_df,...)

… to be written more efficiently and expressively like this …

new_df <- old_df %>%
  verb1(...) %>%
  verb2(...) %>%

When reading this code think of replacing %>% with “and then.” For example, the last code above could be read as “a new data frame is created by starting with an old data frame and THEN applying verb1 and THEN verb2 and THEN verb3.”

The pipe operator, %>%, places the data frame to the left of %>% in the first agument of the function after %>%.

The “pipe and assign” operator, %<>%, will also be used in this and subsequent modules. This operator takes the data frame to the left and puts it in the first argument of the function on the right AND then takes the results of the function and assigns it to the name of the data frame to the left of the pipe operator. In other words, code like

old_df <- old_df %>% verb()

can be replaced with

old_df %<>% verb()

The pipe-and-assign operator, %<>%, places the data frame to the left of %<>% in the first agument of the function after %<>% and then assigns the result back to the name to the left of %<>%.

Be careful with %<>% because the “old” data frame will be replaced with the result of the verb function.

These pipe operators will be used hereafter, even for single lines of code so that you become more familiar with their use for more involved future examples.


6.3 Selecting Variables

Recall from Section 2.3 that an individual variable (i.e., column) can be selected from a data frame by separating the data frame name and the variable name with a $. For example, the following selects loc from bears.

#R>  [1] "Bayfield" "Bayfield" "Bayfield" "Ashland"  "Ashland"  "Douglas"  "Douglas" 
#R>  [8] "Douglas"

However, in this section, interest is in selecting multiple variables, rather than a single variable, from a data frame to form a new data frame.

Variables are selected from a data frame with select(). The directive arguments to select() indicate which variables to retain. Multiple methods may be used to select the same variable(s) (Table 6.1) but you may find that some ways make your code more succinct and readable.


Table 6.1: Methods to select columns from a data frame using select(). Note that numbers and variable names will be replaced with numbers and names specific to the selection process (see examples in main text).
Selector Column/Variables Returned
2 2nd column
c(2,3) 2nd & 3rd columns
2:5 All columns between 2nd and 5th columns
-2 All but the 2nd column
x Column named x
c(x,y) Columns named x and y
x:z All columns between columns named x and z
-x All but the column named x
starts_with("x") All columns with names that start with x
starts_with(c("x","y")) All columns with names that start with x or y
ends_with("x") All columns with names that end with x
contains("x") All columns with names that contain an x
any_of(c("x","y")) Any (or all) of the columns named x or y (exactly)
all_of(c("x","y")) All columns named x or y (exactly)22
last_col() Last column
everything() All columns


Below are examples of selecting variables from bears.23 Note that each resulting data frame is called tmp (for temporary) because it will not be used further here. If the data frames were to be used further than it would be best to assign them to an informative name.

  • Select first two variables.
tmp <- bears %>% select(1:2)
#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 2
#R>        <dbl>     <dbl>
#R>  1      139        110
#R>  2      120.        60
#R>  3      149         85
#R>  4      141        100
#R>  5      141         95
#R>  6      150         85
#R>  7      130.       105
#R>  8      150        110
  • Select the loc and variables.
tmp <- bears %>% select(c(loc,
#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 2
#R>    loc
#R>    <chr>        <dbl>
#R>  1 Bayfield      139 
#R>  2 Bayfield      120.
#R>  3 Bayfield      149 
#R>  4 Ashland       141 
#R>  5 Ashland       141 
#R>  6 Douglas       150 
#R>  7 Douglas       130.
#R>  8 Douglas       150
  • Select all variables that contain a “.”
tmp <- bears %>% select(contains("."))
#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 2
#R>        <dbl>     <dbl>
#R>  1      139        110
#R>  2      120.        60
#R>  3      149         85
#R>  4      141        100
#R>  5      141         95
#R>  6      150         85
#R>  7      130.       105
#R>  8      150        110
  • Select all variables that start with an “l.”
tmp <- bears %>% select(starts_with("l"))
#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 2
#R> loc     
#R>        <dbl> <chr>   
#R>  1      139  Bayfield
#R>  2      120. Bayfield
#R>  3      149  Bayfield
#R>  4      141  Ashland 
#R>  5      141  Ashland 
#R>  6      150  Douglas 
#R>  7      130. Douglas 
#R>  8      150  Douglas
  • Select all variables except loc.
tmp <- bears %>% select(-loc)
#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 2
#R>        <dbl>     <dbl>
#R>  1      139        110
#R>  2      120.        60
#R>  3      149         85
#R>  4      141        100
#R>  5      141         95
#R>  6      150         85
#R>  7      130.       105
#R>  8      150        110

Variables of interest are often selected (or variables not of interest are excluded) to make a smaller data frame that is simply easier to work with. You do not have to restrict a data frame just to variables of interest.

6.4 Moving Variables

Variables can be moved within a data frame with relocate(). By default the selected columns are moved to the beginning of the data frame. However, they can be placed before or after a particular column by using .before= and .after=. Note that columns to be moved can be selected with methods shown in Table 6.1. Below are examples of moving variables within bears.

  • Move loc to the beginning.
tmp <- bears %>% relocate(loc)
#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 3
#R>    loc
#R>    <chr>        <dbl>     <dbl>
#R>  1 Bayfield      139        110
#R>  2 Bayfield      120.        60
#R>  3 Bayfield      149         85
#R>  4 Ashland       141        100
#R>  5 Ashland       141         95
#R>  6 Douglas       150         85
#R>  7 Douglas       130.       105
#R>  8 Douglas       150        110
  • Move loc to after
tmp <- bears %>% relocate(loc,
#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 3
#R> loc
#R>        <dbl> <chr>        <dbl>
#R>  1      139  Bayfield       110
#R>  2      120. Bayfield        60
#R>  3      149  Bayfield        85
#R>  4      141  Ashland        100
#R>  5      141  Ashland         95
#R>  6      150  Douglas         85
#R>  7      130. Douglas        105
#R>  8      150  Douglas        110
  • Move loc to before
tmp <- bears %>% relocate(loc,
#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 3
#R> loc
#R>        <dbl> <chr>        <dbl>
#R>  1      139  Bayfield       110
#R>  2      120. Bayfield        60
#R>  3      149  Bayfield        85
#R>  4      141  Ashland        100
#R>  5      141  Ashland         95
#R>  6      150  Douglas         85
#R>  7      130. Douglas        105
#R>  8      150  Douglas        110
  • Move to the end.
tmp <- bears %>% relocate(,.after=last_col())
#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 3
#R> loc
#R>        <dbl> <chr>        <dbl>
#R>  1       110 Bayfield      139 
#R>  2        60 Bayfield      120.
#R>  3        85 Bayfield      149 
#R>  4       100 Ashland       141 
#R>  5        95 Ashland       141 
#R>  6        85 Douglas       150 
#R>  7       105 Douglas       130.
#R>  8       110 Douglas       150
  • Move both and to the beginning.
tmp <- bears %>% relocate(contains("."))
#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 3
#R> loc     
#R>        <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>   
#R>  1      139        110 Bayfield
#R>  2      120.        60 Bayfield
#R>  3      149         85 Bayfield
#R>  4      141        100 Ashland 
#R>  5      141         95 Ashland 
#R>  6      150         85 Douglas 
#R>  7      130.       105 Douglas 
#R>  8      150        110 Douglas

It is not necessary that variables be in a particular order in a data frame; however, you may find it easier to work with variables in a particular order.

6.5 Renaming Variables

Variables may be given new names with rename(). Each directive argument in rename() has the form newname=oldname where newname will be the new name for the oldname variable in the data frame. Below are examples of renaming variables in bears.

  • Rename loc to Location.
tmp <- bears %>% rename(Location=loc)
#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 3
#R> Location
#R>        <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>   
#R>  1      139        110 Bayfield
#R>  2      120.        60 Bayfield
#R>  3      149         85 Bayfield
#R>  4      141        100 Ashland 
#R>  5      141         95 Ashland 
#R>  6      150         85 Douglas 
#R>  7      130.       105 Douglas 
#R>  8      150        110 Douglas
  • Rename both and
tmp <- bears %>% rename(,
#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 3
#R>    Length Weight loc     
#R>     <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>   
#R>  1   139     110 Bayfield
#R>  2   120.     60 Bayfield
#R>  3   149      85 Bayfield
#R>  4   141     100 Ashland 
#R>  5   141      95 Ashland 
#R>  6   150      85 Douglas 
#R>  7   130.    105 Douglas 
#R>  8   150     110 Douglas

Non-standard names of variables must be included in “backticks” when renaming them. For example, suppose that the names of variables in bears2 looked like this (note spaces in the names of the first two variables).

#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 3
#R>    `length (cm)` `weight (kg)` loc     
#R>            <dbl>         <dbl> <chr>   
#R>  1          139            110 Bayfield
#R>  2          120.            60 Bayfield
#R>  3          149             85 Bayfield
#R>  4          141            100 Ashland 
#R>  5          141             95 Ashland 
#R>  6          150             85 Douglas 
#R>  7          130.           105 Douglas 
#R>  8          150            110 Douglas

The following code is used to sensibly rename these variables with non-standard names.

tmp <- bears2 %>% rename(Length=`length (cm)`,Weight=`weight (kg)`)
#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 3
#R>    Length Weight loc     
#R>     <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>   
#R>  1   139     110 Bayfield
#R>  2   120.     60 Bayfield
#R>  3   149      85 Bayfield
#R>  4   141     100 Ashland 
#R>  5   141      95 Ashland 
#R>  6   150      85 Douglas 
#R>  7   130.    105 Douglas 
#R>  8   150     110 Douglas

Non-standard names of variables must be included in “backticks” when renaming them.

6.6 Adding Variables

New variables are added to a data frame with mutate(). The directive arguments to this function have the form newvar=XXX where newvar will be the name of the new variable and XXX will create a new variable. There are a wide variety of expressions and functions that can be used to construct a new variable. A few of these will be illustrated below with bears but it is impossible to demonstrate all possibilities. Thus, other examples will be shown in the full context examples below as well as in subsequent modules.

  • Add a year variable that is a constant value.
tmp <- bears %>% mutate(year=2021)
#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 4
#R> loc       year
#R>        <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>    <dbl>
#R>  1      139        110 Bayfield  2021
#R>  2      120.        60 Bayfield  2021
#R>  3      149         85 Bayfield  2021
#R>  4      141        100 Ashland   2021
#R>  5      141         95 Ashland   2021
#R>  6      150         85 Douglas   2021
#R>  7      130.       105 Douglas   2021
#R>  8      150        110 Douglas   2021
  • Add a length in inches variable derived from
tmp <- bears %>% mutate(
#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 4
#R> loc
#R>        <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>        <dbl>
#R>  1      139        110 Bayfield      54.7
#R>  2      120.        60 Bayfield      47.4
#R>  3      149         85 Bayfield      58.7
#R>  4      141        100 Ashland       55.5
#R>  5      141         95 Ashland       55.5
#R>  6      150         85 Douglas       59.1
#R>  7      130.       105 Douglas       51.0
#R>  8      150        110 Douglas       59.1

Multiple variables can be created at one time by including more arguments to mutate(). Subsequent arguments in mutate() may use variables created previously in the same mutate(). For example, the code below adds new variables that represent the weight of the bear if it were “healthy” (based on its length), the difference between the observed weight and this “healthy” weight, and a note if the bear is more or less than the healthy weight.

tmp <- bears %>% mutate(healthy.wt=0.1129*^1.366,
#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 6
#R> loc      healthy.wt rel_weight rel_health
#R>        <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>         <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>     
#R>  1      139        110 Bayfield       95.5      14.5  more      
#R>  2      120.        60 Bayfield       78.6     -18.6  less      
#R>  3      149         85 Bayfield      105.      -20.0  less      
#R>  4      141        100 Ashland        97.4       2.61 more      
#R>  5      141         95 Ashland        97.4      -2.39 less      
#R>  6      150         85 Douglas       106.      -21.0  less      
#R>  7      130.       105 Douglas        86.7      18.3  more      
#R>  8      150        110 Douglas       106.        4.02 more

In the above example ifelse() was used to create the new variable that stated whether the bear was more or less healthy based on the rel_weight variable. The ifelse() functions contains three arguments – a conditioning expression that evaluates to either TRUE or FALSE, an item to return if the expression evaluates to TRUE, and an item to return if the expression evaluates to FALSE. This ifelse() statement can be read as “if the relative weight is greater than 0 then return ‘more’ otherwise return ‘less.’”

The ifelse() function is quite powerful for converting values to binary groups. However, case_when() is more flexible when more groups will be created. The case_when() function consists of several arguments of the form condition ~ return where condition is a condition expression that evaluates to TRUE or FALSE, and return is the item that will be returned if that condition expression evaluates to TRUE. The conditions in the arguments are sequential such that the result for the first condition that evaluates to TRUE is returned. The last condition expression in case_when() should be TRUE which will always evaluate to TRUE and will thus return its value if all previous conditions were not met.

For example, the code below is used to create a variable that provides a more detailed description of the relative health of the bears. This code could be read as “I the relative weight is greater than 10 then return ‘much more,’ otherwise if it is greater than 0 then return ‘some more,’ otherwise if it is greater than -10 then return ‘some less,’ otherwise (i.e., value must be less than -10) return ‘much less.’”

tmp <- bears %>% mutate(healthy.wt=0.1129*^1.366,
                          rel_weight>10 ~ "much more",
                          rel_weight>0 ~ "some more",
                          rel_weight>-10 ~ "some less",
                          TRUE ~ "much less"
#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 6
#R> loc      healthy.wt rel_weight rel_health
#R>        <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>         <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>     
#R>  1      139        110 Bayfield       95.5      14.5  much more 
#R>  2      120.        60 Bayfield       78.6     -18.6  much less 
#R>  3      149         85 Bayfield      105.      -20.0  much less 
#R>  4      141        100 Ashland        97.4       2.61 some more 
#R>  5      141         95 Ashland        97.4      -2.39 some less 
#R>  6      150         85 Douglas       106.      -21.0  much less 
#R>  7      130.       105 Douglas        86.7      18.3  much more 
#R>  8      150        110 Douglas       106.        4.02 some more

Finally, mapvalues() from plyr can be used to efficiently convert the groups of a categorical variable to different groups in a new categorical variables. The arguments to mapvalues() are the name of the first categorical variable followed by the names of the groups of this variable in from= and the new names for the groups in the new variable in to=. Note that all group names not listed in from= will simply carry-over as-is in the new variable. The plyr package is not part of tidyverse and we will not typically use any other functions from plyr; thus, when using mapvalues() you should precede it with plyr:: as demonstrated below.

As an example suppose that the locations in loc need to be converted to abbreviations to save space when graphing.

tmp <- bears %>% 
#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 4
#R> loc      loc_abb
#R>        <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>    <chr>  
#R>  1      139        110 Bayfield BAY    
#R>  2      120.        60 Bayfield BAY    
#R>  3      149         85 Bayfield BAY    
#R>  4      141        100 Ashland  ASH    
#R>  5      141         95 Ashland  ASH    
#R>  6      150         85 Douglas  DOU    
#R>  7      130.       105 Douglas  DOU    
#R>  8      150        110 Douglas  DOU

Alternatively suppose that Ashland and Bayfield need to be combined into one group for some reason. This can be accomplished by giving the combined name for counties in the positions of to= that match the two counties in from=.

tmp <- bears %>% 
#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 4
#R> loc      loc_abb         
#R>        <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>    <chr>           
#R>  1      139        110 Bayfield Ashland/Bayfield
#R>  2      120.        60 Bayfield Ashland/Bayfield
#R>  3      149         85 Bayfield Ashland/Bayfield
#R>  4      141        100 Ashland  Ashland/Bayfield
#R>  5      141         95 Ashland  Ashland/Bayfield
#R>  6      150         85 Douglas  Douglas         
#R>  7      130.       105 Douglas  Douglas         
#R>  8      150        110 Douglas  Douglas

Note in the code above that I did not include “Douglas” in either from= or to= because it was not to be modified for this situation.


6.7 Examples in Context

6.7.1 NBA Players

Data on every player who has ever played in the National Basketball Association was read into R in Section 3.3.1, and below along with its structure.

players <- read_csv("")
#R>  spec_tbl_df [4,393 x 15] (S3: spec_tbl_df/tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#R>   $ ...1                     : num [1:4393] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
#R>   $ DISPLAY_FIRST_LAST       : chr [1:4393] "Alaa Abdelnaby" "Zaid Abdul-Aziz" "Kareem Abdul-Jabbar" "Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf" ...
#R>   $ DISPLAY_LAST_COMMA_FIRST : chr [1:4393] "Abdelnaby, Alaa" "Abdul-Aziz, Zaid" "Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem" "Abdul-Rauf, Mahmoud" ...
#R>   $ FROM_YEAR                : num [1:4393] 1990 1968 1969 1990 1997 ...
#R>   $ GAMES_PLAYED_FLAG        : chr [1:4393] "Y" "Y" "Y" "Y" ...
#R>   $ OTHERLEAGUE_EXPERIENCE_CH: chr [1:4393] "00" "00" "00" "00" ...
#R>   $ PERSON_ID                : num [1:4393] 76001 76002 76003 51 1505 ...
#R>   $ PLAYERCODE               : chr [1:4393] "HISTADD_alaa_abdelnaby" "HISTADD_zaid_abdul-aziz" "HISTADD_kareem_abdul-jabbar" "mahmoud_abdul-rauf" ...
#R>   $ ROSTERSTATUS             : num [1:4393] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#R>   $ TEAM_ABBREVIATION        : chr [1:4393] NA NA NA NA ...
#R>   $ TEAM_CITY                : chr [1:4393] NA NA NA NA ...
#R>   $ TEAM_CODE                : chr [1:4393] NA NA NA NA ...
#R>   $ TEAM_ID                  : num [1:4393] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#R>   $ TEAM_NAME                : chr [1:4393] NA NA NA NA ...
#R>   $ TO_YEAR                  : num [1:4393] 1994 1977 1988 2000 2003 ...


Suppose that we ultimately want to make a graph related to the length of time that players were in the NBA. To facilitate this, I am going to

  1. reduce this data frame to only the players name, the year they started, and the year they ended in the NBA;
  2. rename long variable names (and remove the capitalization);
  3. calculate the amount of time they were in the NBA by subtracting their start year from their end year;
  4. create a new variable called “modern” that is “yes” for players that ended their careers in 1980 or later and is “no” otherwise; and
  5. order the data from most to least years played.24
players2 <- players %>%
  rename(name=DISPLAY_LAST_COMMA_FIRST,start=FROM_YEAR,end=TO_YEAR) %>%
         modern=ifelse(end>=1980,"yes","no")) %>%
#R>  # A tibble: 4,393 x 5
#R>     name                 start   end years_played modern
#R>     <chr>                <dbl> <dbl>        <dbl> <chr> 
#R>   1 Willis, Kevin         1984  2006           22 yes   
#R>   2 Jones, Mark           1983  2004           21 yes   
#R>   3 Carter, Vince         1998  2018           20 yes   
#R>   4 Garnett, Kevin        1995  2015           20 yes   
#R>   5 Nowitzki, Dirk        1998  2018           20 yes   
#R>   6 Parish, Robert        1976  1996           20 yes   
#R>   7 Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem  1969  1988           19 yes   
#R>   8 Bryant, Kobe          1996  2015           19 yes   
#R>   9 Cousy, Bob            1950  1969           19 no    
#R>  10 Crawford, Jamal       2000  2018           18 yes   
#R>  # ... with 4,383 more rows


For fun, this is what one plot of the results might look like.


6.7.2 Wolves and Moose of Isle Royale

For a module in my “Great Graphs” course I wanted to demonstrate to students how to create graphs that examined the abundance of Moose and Wolves on Isle Royale over time and in relation to winter temperatures and whether an ice bridge formed between the mainland and Isle Royale. Fortunately, these data25 are available at Wolves & Moose of Isle Royale. I downloaded the data file provided there and read it into R below,26 where I also examined the structure of the data frame.

irmw <- readxl::read_excel(file.path("data","Data_wolves_moose_Isle_Royale_June2019.xlsx"),
                           sheet="1. population level data",skip=1,na=c("NA","N/A"))
#R>  tibble [61 x 33] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#R>   $ year                                             : num [1:61] 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 ...
#R>   $ wolves                                           : num [1:61] 20 22 22 23 20 26 28 26 22 22 ...
#R>   $ moose                                            : num [1:61] 538 564 572 579 596 ...
#R>   $ kill rate                                        : chr [1:61] NA NA NA NA ...
#R>   $ predation rate                                   : chr [1:61] NA NA NA NA ...
#R>   $ f (wolves)                                       : chr [1:61] NA NA NA NA ...
#R>   $ ancestry (immigrant wolf)                        : num [1:61] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
#R>   $ Juvenile Survival                                : chr [1:61] NA NA NA NA ...
#R>   $ Adult Survival                                   : chr [1:61] NA NA NA NA ...
#R>   $ overall survival (genetic-CR)                    : chr [1:61] NA NA NA NA ...
#R>   $ overall survival (field-based estimate)          : num [1:61] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
#R>   $ % mortality, obsolete                            : num [1:61] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
#R>   $ %recruitment, obsolete                           : num [1:61] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
#R>   $ recruitment rate, moose (aerial surveys)         : chr [1:61] "20" "14.3" "19.5" "16.5" ...
#R>   $ mean age (excluding calves)                      : chr [1:61] "5.8211920529999999" "6.1446540880000002" "6.266666667" "6.1117647059999998" ...
#R>   $ proportion of moose population that are senescent: chr [1:61] "6" "6" "7" "7" ...
#R>   $ UN:C -west                                       : num [1:61] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
#R>   $ UN:C - east                                      : num [1:61] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
#R>   $ GA:C - west                                      : chr [1:61] NA NA NA NA ...
#R>   $ GA:C - east                                      : chr [1:61] NA NA NA NA ...
#R>   $ proportion of diet that is fir                   : num [1:61] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
#R>   $ proportion of diet that is cedar                 : num [1:61] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
#R>   $ proportion of diet that is deciduous             : num [1:61] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
#R>   $ ticks (mean hair loss)                           : chr [1:61] NA NA NA NA ...
#R>   $ July-Sept (temp, F)                              : chr [1:61] "61.2" "60.667000000000002" "60.966999999999999" "57.9" ...
#R>   $ Apr-May (temp, F)                                : num [1:61] 43.9 43.4 41.4 42.6 43.5 ...
#R>   $ Jan-Feb (temp, F)                                : num [1:61] 1.4 8.45 9.75 2.15 -0.35 12.4 1.25 1.7 2.75 5.85 ...
#R>   $ May-Aug (precip, inches)                         : chr [1:61] "16.8" "12.08" "8.94" "16.010000000000002" ...
#R>   $ NAO (DJFM - station based)                       : chr [1:61] "-0.37" "-1.54" "1.8" "-2.38" ...
#R>   $ NAO - annual                                     : chr [1:61] "1.83" "-1.88" "0.47" "-1.05" ...
#R>   $ snow.depth (cm)                                  : chr [1:61] NA NA NA NA ...
#R>   $ ice bridges (0=none, 1 = present)                : num [1:61] 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 ...
#R>   $ springtime growing degree days                   : chr [1:61] "N/A yet" "N/A yet" "N/A yet" "N/A yet" ...

The structure of this file shows that there are many variables, most of which I was not interested in for this demonstration, and the variable names are non-standard (i.e., they contain spaces). Thus, to prepare the data for the graphing course, I wanted to ..

  1. reduce the data frame to only the variables that I was interested in,
  2. rename the variables to be shorter and in standard format,
  3. change the “coding” of the variable about ice bridges from using 0 and 1 to using the more descriptive and easier to remember “no” and “yes,”
  4. create an “era” variable that says “early” for years before 1975, “middle” for years between 1975 and 2000, and “recent” for years after 2000,
  5. move the “era” variable to be next to the year variable (for aesthetic reasons), and
  6. make sure the data are ordered from earliest to latest year.
irmw2 <- irmw %>%
  select(year,wolves,moose,`Jan-Feb (temp, F)`,`ice bridges (0=none, 1 = present)`) %>%
  rename(winter_temp=`Jan-Feb (temp, F)`,
         ice_bridges=`ice bridges (0=none, 1 = present)`) %>%
           year<1975 ~ "early",
           year<=2000 ~ "middle",
           TRUE ~ "recent"
         )) %>%
  relocate(era,.after=year) %>%
#R>  # A tibble: 61 x 6
#R>      year era   wolves moose winter_temp ice_bridges
#R>     <dbl> <chr>  <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl> <chr>      
#R>   1  1959 early     20  538.        1.4  no         
#R>   2  1960 early     22  564.        8.45 no         
#R>   3  1961 early     22  572.        9.75 yes        
#R>   4  1962 early     23  579.        2.15 yes        
#R>   5  1963 early     20  596.       -0.35 yes        
#R>   6  1964 early     26  620.       12.4  no         
#R>   7  1965 early     28  634.        1.25 yes        
#R>   8  1966 early     26  661.        1.7  yes        
#R>   9  1967 early     22  766.        2.75 yes        
#R>  10  1968 early     22  848.        5.85 yes        
#R>  # ... with 51 more rows

  1. If all columns do not exist in the data frame then an error will occur.↩︎

  2. These selections are likely not needed because bears is so small; however, they are used here to demonstrate the selection techniques.↩︎

  3. You will learn this in the next module.↩︎

  4. Along with a wide variety of other data about Wolves and Moose on Isle Royale.↩︎

  5. You may want to review the purpose of some of these arguments to read_excel() in Section 3.3.2.↩︎