Module 5 Pivot

Three rules of tidy data were introduced in Section 2.4.

  1. Each variable must have its own column.
  2. Each observation must have its own row.
  3. Each value must have its own cell.

There are a wide variety of ways to enter data. Some data will not be tidy because, for instance, it may be easier to enter data in a non-tidy format. For example, the data shown below is the number of positive confirmed COVID cases in Ashland, Bayfield, and Douglas counties in 2021 (through June).


County Jan_2021 Feb_2021 Mar_2021 Apr_2021 May_2021 Jun_2021
Ashland 139 27 31 41 45 3
Bayfield 100 33 28 54 36 15
Douglas 470 89 119 227 148 32


Data for future months can be easily entered by simply appending a new month on the right. These data are also easy to examine in this table, but in this format they are difficult to graph and can be difficult to summarize. Thus, these data need to be converted to a different format for some simple analyses.19

The objective of this module is to describe and demonstrate concepts and methods for converting data between two common formats.

5.1 Data Formats

Consider a situation with one measurement variable, x, recorded on four individuals at two times. These eight measurements could be entered in either the W or L data frames shown below.

‘W’ data.frame
id x1 x2
A 1 5
B 2 6
C 3 7
D 4 8
‘L’ data.frame
id time x
A 1 1
A 2 5
B 1 2
B 2 6
C 1 3
C 2 7
D 1 4
D 2 8


In this case, a measurement of x on an individual at a single point in time is an observation; thus, each row should correspond to one measurement (value of x) on one individual. The W data frame is not tidy because multiple observations of x appear in each row of the data frame (i.e., the single measurement variable, x, is dispersed across two columns). The L data frame is tidy because each row corresponds to one observation (i.e., a unique combination of id and time) and the single measurement variable, x, now appears in only one column.

Consider a similar example where two measurements (the variables x and y) were made (at the same time) on four individuals. These data may be entered as in V and Z below.

‘V’ data.frame
id x y
A 1 5
B 2 6
C 3 7
D 4 8
‘Z’ data.frame
id variable value
A x 1
A y 5
B x 2
B y 6
C x 3
C y 7
D x 4
D y 8


In this case V is tidy because each row corresponds to one observation (defined only by id) and each measurement variable (x and y) is in its own column. On the other hand Z is not tidy because observations are split into two rows and values of the two different measurement variables are lumped into the same column.


As you can see it can be difficult to identify the format that you want for your data. You cannot tell simply by the “shape” of the data – there will be times when you need the data to be “longer” (as in the first example above) and other times when you need the data to be “wider” (as in the second example above).

As a general rule you should strive for your data to be tidy. To identify tidy data, identify what an observation is, which variables define the observations, and what the measurement variable(s) is/are. Then determine if each row corresponds to one observation and if each measurement variable is in one column by itself. If the data do not meet these requirements then you likely need to convert it to a different format as described in the next sections.


5.2 Pivoting Concepts

Each set of data described in the previous section could be entered in two formats. These formats are loosely called “wider” and “longer” based on their shapes relative to each other. Converting between wider and longer format data is called a pivot.

5.2.1 Pivot Longer

“Pivot Longer” is the conversion from a “wider” to a “longer” format. Pivoting to a longer format is usually needed if multiple observations of the same variable are recorded on individuals but are stored in separate columns of the data frame. This was the case with W above and also with the COVID data in the module introduction.

To pivot from a wider to a longer format you must identify the variables in the wider format that contain the multiple measurements of the same variable. This was x1 and x2 in W. All other variables in the data frame are considered to represent a unique individual. In this case only the id variable is needed for this purpose.

In addition, you must define names for variables in what will be the new longer format. The first name is for the variable that will identify the multiple measurements on the same individual. In this example the multiple measurements were taken at different times, so it seems logical to call the new variable time. The second name is for the variable that will hold the values of the measurement variable. Here the use of x1 and x2 in the original wider data frame suggest that this variable should be called x.

The process of pivoting the wider W to a longer data frame is illustrated below.


To pivot from a “wider” to a “longer” format, you must …

  1. Identify the variables in the wider format data that contain the multiple measurements of the same variable. This will be cols= in Section 5.3.1.
  2. Define a name for the variable in the new longer format that will identify the multiple measurements on the same individual. This will be names_to= in Section 5.3.1.
  3. Define a name for the variable in the new longer format that will hold the values of the measurement variable. This will be values_to= in Section 5.3.1.

5.2.2 Pivot Wider

“Pivot Wider” is the conversion from a “longer” to a “wider” format. Pivoting to a wider format is most common when multiple measurement variables are recorded as one variable in the longer format. This was the case with Z from above.

To pivot from a longer to a wider format you must identify the variable in the longer format that contains what will be names of variables in the wider format. The wider format that will be created from Z should have x and y as names of variables; thus, this variable in Z is variable. In addition, you must identify the variable in the longer format that has the values of the measurement variable that will be separated into columns in the wider format. In Z this variable is value.

The process of pivoting the longer Z to a wider format is illustrated below.


To pivot from a “longer” to a “wider” format, you must …

  1. Identify the variable in the longer format that contains the names of the new variables in the new wider format. This will be names_from= in Section 5.3.2.
  2. Identify the variable in the longer format that contains all of the values of the measurement variable. This will be values_from= in Section 5.3.2.


5.3 Pivoting in R

Pivoting W to a longer format and Z to a wider format in R are demonstrated in this section. These two data frames are created in R below.

W <- tibble(id=c("A","B","C","D"),
#R>  # A tibble: 4 x 3
#R>    id       x1    x2
#R>    <chr> <int> <int>
#R>  1 A         1     5
#R>  2 B         2     6
#R>  3 C         3     7
#R>  4 D         4     8
Z <- tibble(id=rep(c("A","B","C","D"),each=2),
#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 3
#R>    id    variable value
#R>    <chr> <chr>    <dbl>
#R>  1 A     x            1
#R>  2 A     y            5
#R>  3 B     x            2
#R>  4 B     y            6
#R>  5 C     x            3
#R>  6 C     y            7
#R>  7 D     x            4
#R>  8 D     y            8

5.3.1 Pivot Longer

Pivoting to a longer data frame is accomplished with pivot_longer() from tidyr (which is part of tidyverse). The first argument is the name of the wider data frame. The following three arguments are also typically used.

  • The variables in the wider data frame that represent multiple measurements of the same variable must be given in cols=. Note that these variables do NOT need to be in quotes because they exist in the wider data frame. There are multiple ways to select these variables in most situations; here are several for this situation.20
    • cols=x1:x2 will select all variables contiguous from between x1 to x2.
    • cols=c(x1,x2) will select only variables x1 and x2.
    • cols=starts_with("x") will select all variables with names that begin with x.
    • cols=-id will select all variables not named id.
  • The name for the variable in the new longer data frame that will hold the index for multiple measurements on the same individual in the longer data frame is given in names_to=.
  • The name for the variable that will hold the values of the measurement variable in the new longer data frame is given in values_to.

Note that the variable names in names_to= and values_to= must be in quotes because they do not yet exist in the new data frame.

Given the definitions of these items in Section 5.2.1, the following code is used to pivot W to a longer format data frame, L.

L <- pivot_longer(W,cols=x1:x2,names_to="time",values_to="x")
#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 3
#R>    id    time      x
#R>    <chr> <chr> <int>
#R>  1 A     x1        1
#R>  2 A     x2        5
#R>  3 B     x1        2
#R>  4 B     x2        6
#R>  5 C     x1        3
#R>  6 C     x2        7
#R>  7 D     x1        4
#R>  8 D     x2        8

Note, however, that the time variable in L contains x1 and x2 rather than 1 and 2. By default pivot_longer() uses the names of the variables you supplied in cols= for this variable. If these variables have a common pattern – as in they all start with “x” and end with the number that we want – then the portion of the pattern to remove can be given in names_prefix=.21

L <- pivot_longer(W,cols=x1:x2,names_to="time",names_prefix="x",values_to="x")
#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 3
#R>    id    time      x
#R>    <chr> <chr> <int>
#R>  1 A     1         1
#R>  2 A     2         5
#R>  3 B     1         2
#R>  4 B     2         6
#R>  5 C     1         3
#R>  6 C     2         7
#R>  7 D     1         4
#R>  8 D     2         8


A reminder that all variables not given in cols= will be considered as identifying with the individuals in the data frame. Suppose for example that W had more columns like this data frame W2.

#R>  # A tibble: 4 x 6
#R>    id    fname  lname    years    x1    x2
#R>    <chr> <chr>  <chr>    <dbl> <int> <int>
#R>  1 A     Derek  Ogle        25     1     5
#R>  2 B     Young  Kim         32     2     6
#R>  3 C     Andrew Jensen       6     3     7
#R>  4 D     Jodi   Supanich     7     4     8

The same pivot_longer() with W2 will repeat the id, fname, lname, and years values in the longer data frame L2.

L2 <- pivot_longer(W2,cols=x1:x2,names_to="time",names_prefix="x",values_to="x")
#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 6
#R>    id    fname  lname    years time      x
#R>    <chr> <chr>  <chr>    <dbl> <chr> <int>
#R>  1 A     Derek  Ogle        25 1         1
#R>  2 A     Derek  Ogle        25 2         5
#R>  3 B     Young  Kim         32 1         2
#R>  4 B     Young  Kim         32 2         6
#R>  5 C     Andrew Jensen       6 1         3
#R>  6 C     Andrew Jensen       6 2         7
#R>  7 D     Jodi   Supanich     7 1         4
#R>  8 D     Jodi   Supanich     7 2         8


5.3.2 Pivot Wider

Pivoting to a wider data frame is accomplished with pivot_wider() from tidyr. The first argument is the name of the longer data frame. The following two arguments are also typically used.

  • The name of the variable in the longer data frame that contains what will be names of variables in the wider data frame is given in names_from=.
  • The name of the variable in the longer data frame that has values of the measurement variable that will be separated into columns in the new data frame is given in values_from=.

As both of these variables exist in the longer data frame they do NOT need to be in quotes.

Given the definitions from Section 5.2.2, the following is used to pivot Z to a wider format, V.

V <- pivot_wider(Z,names_from=variable,values_from=value)
#R>  # A tibble: 4 x 3
#R>    id        x     y
#R>    <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#R>  1 A         1     5
#R>  2 B         2     6
#R>  3 C         3     7
#R>  4 D         4     8


Again, you can imagine a slightly more complicated data frame (here called Z2).

#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 6
#R>    id    fname  lname    years variable value
#R>    <chr> <chr>  <chr>    <chr> <chr>    <dbl>
#R>  1 A     Derek  Ogle     25    x            1
#R>  2 A     Derek  Ogle     25    y            5
#R>  3 B     Young  Kim      32    x            2
#R>  4 B     Young  Kim      32    y            6
#R>  5 C     Andrew Jensen   6     x            3
#R>  6 C     Andrew Jensen   6     y            7
#R>  7 D     Jodi   Supanich 7     x            4
#R>  8 D     Jodi   Supanich 7     y            8

The same pivot_wider() on Z2 will collapse the common id, fname, lname, and years variables.

V2 <- pivot_wider(Z2,names_from=variable,values_from=value)
#R>  # A tibble: 4 x 6
#R>    id    fname  lname    years     x     y
#R>    <chr> <chr>  <chr>    <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#R>  1 A     Derek  Ogle     25        1     5
#R>  2 B     Young  Kim      32        2     6
#R>  3 C     Andrew Jensen   6         3     7
#R>  4 D     Jodi   Supanich 7         4     8


5.4 Examples with Context

5.4.1 COVID Cases by County and Month

A simple data frame of COVID cases by month in three Wisconsin counties from January to June 2021 was shown in the introduction. Here consider an even wider data, covABD_W, of monthly cases for all three counties from March 2020 to June 2021.

#R>  # A tibble: 3 x 17
#R>  # Groups:   County [3]
#R>    County   Mar_2020 Apr_2020 May_2020 Jun_2020 Jul_2020 Aug_2020 Sep_2020 Oct_2020
#R>    <chr>       <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#R>  1 Ashland         1        1        0        1       16       16       94      167
#R>  2 Bayfield        3        0        0        0       16       26       71      160
#R>  3 Douglas         6        3       10       11       93      133      268      316
#R>  # ... with 8 more variables: Nov_2020 <dbl>, Dec_2020 <dbl>, Jan_2021 <dbl>,
#R>  #   Feb_2021 <dbl>, Mar_2021 <dbl>, Apr_2021 <dbl>, May_2021 <dbl>,
#R>  #   Jun_2021 <dbl>

In this case a “measurement” is number of COVID cases and an observation is a combination of month and county. Thus, these data are not tidy because number of COVID cases is not in one column and each row is not one combination of county and month. It would be difficult to plot number of cases by month for each county with data in this format. Thus these “wider” data need to be converted to “longer” data that are tidy.

All columns except County are part of the data to pivot; thus, cols=-County is the easiest way to choose those columns. The variable names in covABD_W are the month and year of the data so I will call the names_to= variable “MonYear.” Finally, the measurements are of cases of COVID so I will call the values_to= variable “Cases.” Putting this together gives the following.

covABD_L <- pivot_longer(covABD_W,cols=-County,names_to="MonYear",values_to="Cases")
#R>  # A tibble: 48 x 3
#R>  # Groups:   County [3]
#R>     County  MonYear  Cases
#R>     <chr>   <chr>    <dbl>
#R>   1 Ashland Mar_2020     1
#R>   2 Ashland Apr_2020     1
#R>   3 Ashland May_2020     0
#R>   4 Ashland Jun_2020     1
#R>   5 Ashland Jul_2020    16
#R>   6 Ashland Aug_2020    16
#R>   7 Ashland Sep_2020    94
#R>   8 Ashland Oct_2020   167
#R>   9 Ashland Nov_2020   378
#R>  10 Ashland Dec_2020   331
#R>  # ... with 38 more rows

This worked but the MonYear variable is problematic because R does not recognize it as a date (note how it is identified as character class). It would be better to split these names on the underscore to get one variable with the months and one variable with the years. Names may be split in pivot_longer() by providing the character to split on in names_sep=. As splitting the names will produce two new variables, names_to= must be a vector with two names for these two new columns. These modifications produce the following result.

covABD_L <- pivot_longer(covABD_W,cols=-County,
#R>  # A tibble: 48 x 4
#R>  # Groups:   County [3]
#R>     County  Month Year  Cases
#R>     <chr>   <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#R>   1 Ashland Mar   2020      1
#R>   2 Ashland Apr   2020      1
#R>   3 Ashland May   2020      0
#R>   4 Ashland Jun   2020      1
#R>   5 Ashland Jul   2020     16
#R>   6 Ashland Aug   2020     16
#R>   7 Ashland Sep   2020     94
#R>   8 Ashland Oct   2020    167
#R>   9 Ashland Nov   2020    378
#R>  10 Ashland Dec   2020    331
#R>  # ... with 38 more rows

We will need an actual “date” variable to make a plot of COVID cases over time. The code below does this but uses functions that won’t be introduced until Modules 6 and 9.

covABD_L <- covABD_L %>%
#R>  # A tibble: 48 x 5
#R>  # Groups:   County [3]
#R>     County  Month Year  Cases Date      
#R>     <chr>   <chr> <chr> <dbl> <date>    
#R>   1 Ashland Mar   2020      1 2020-03-01
#R>   2 Ashland Apr   2020      1 2020-04-01
#R>   3 Ashland May   2020      0 2020-05-01
#R>   4 Ashland Jun   2020      1 2020-06-01
#R>   5 Ashland Jul   2020     16 2020-07-01
#R>   6 Ashland Aug   2020     16 2020-08-01
#R>   7 Ashland Sep   2020     94 2020-09-01
#R>   8 Ashland Oct   2020    167 2020-10-01
#R>   9 Ashland Nov   2020    378 2020-11-01
#R>  10 Ashland Dec   2020    331 2020-12-01
#R>  # ... with 38 more rows

Finally, these data can be graphed as shown below.


5.4.2 Abundance of Mayflies

In 1990 technicians for the U.S. Geological Survey recorded the abundance of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) in 10 1 m2 quadrats in Chequamegon Bay. In 2020 they repeated the collections at the same locations. Their data are recorded in ephem as shown below.

#R>  # A tibble: 20 x 5
#R>       loc hab    depth  year abundance
#R>     <int> <chr>  <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>
#R>   1   101 Sand      16  1990        47
#R>   2   101 Sand      16  2020        46
#R>   3   102 Sand      20  1990        44
#R>   4   102 Sand      20  2020        42
#R>   5   103 Muck      23  1990        50
#R>   6   103 Muck      23  2020        53
#R>   7   104 Cobble    27  1990        54
#R>   8   104 Cobble    27  2020        56
#R>   9   105 Sand      15  1990        52
#R>  10   105 Sand      15  2020        43
#R>  11   106 Muck      21  1990        25
#R>  12   106 Muck      21  2020        30
#R>  13   107 Cobble    27  1990        36
#R>  14   107 Cobble    27  2020        20
#R>  15   108 Sand      13  1990        22
#R>  16   108 Sand      13  2020        18
#R>  17   109 Sand      10  1990        28
#R>  18   109 Sand      10  2020        28
#R>  19   110 Cobble    23  1990        40
#R>  20   110 Cobble    23  2020        36

The researchers want to compute the mean change in abundance across all ten quadrats. To facilitate that calculation these data need to be converted to a wider format that will have the 1990 and 2020 data in separate columns. In this case, potential names for the variables in the new wider format are in year. The values to be put in those columns are in abundance. The rest of the variables should be maintained as they identify the observation (i.e., a quadrat year combination). With these definitions these data are converted to a wider format with the following code.

ephem2 <- pivot_wider(ephem,names_from=year,values_from=abundance)
#R>  # A tibble: 10 x 5
#R>       loc hab    depth `1990` `2020`
#R>     <int> <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
#R>   1   101 Sand      16     47     46
#R>   2   102 Sand      20     44     42
#R>   3   103 Muck      23     50     53
#R>   4   104 Cobble    27     54     56
#R>   5   105 Sand      15     52     43
#R>   6   106 Muck      21     25     30
#R>   7   107 Cobble    27     36     20
#R>   8   108 Sand      13     22     18
#R>   9   109 Sand      10     28     28
#R>  10   110 Cobble    23     40     36

This accomplishes the task at hand, but the two new variables are called 1990 and 2020, which are non-standard variable names in R (i.e., they start with numbers). This issue can be avoided by providing a string to be used as a prefix to the names in names_prefix=.

ephem2 <- pivot_wider(ephem,names_from=year,names_prefix="year_",values_from=abundance)
#R>  # A tibble: 10 x 5
#R>       loc hab    depth year_1990 year_2020
#R>     <int> <chr>  <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
#R>   1   101 Sand      16        47        46
#R>   2   102 Sand      20        44        42
#R>   3   103 Muck      23        50        53
#R>   4   104 Cobble    27        54        56
#R>   5   105 Sand      15        52        43
#R>   6   106 Muck      21        25        30
#R>   7   107 Cobble    27        36        20
#R>   8   108 Sand      13        22        18
#R>   9   109 Sand      10        28        28
#R>  10   110 Cobble    23        40        36

The code below, which will not be introduced until Section 6.6, creates a new variable that is the difference in abundance between the two years.

ephem2 <- ephem2 %>%
#R>  # A tibble: 10 x 6
#R>       loc hab    depth year_1990 year_2020 diff20_90
#R>     <int> <chr>  <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
#R>   1   101 Sand      16        47        46        -1
#R>   2   102 Sand      20        44        42        -2
#R>   3   103 Muck      23        50        53         3
#R>   4   104 Cobble    27        54        56         2
#R>   5   105 Sand      15        52        43        -9
#R>   6   106 Muck      21        25        30         5
#R>   7   107 Cobble    27        36        20       -16
#R>   8   108 Sand      13        22        18        -4
#R>   9   109 Sand      10        28        28         0
#R>  10   110 Cobble    23        40        36        -4

These data could then be easily plotted or summarized.


5.4.3 Blueberries and Fire

Duchesne and Wetzel (2004) examined the effects of fire characteristics on characteristics of blueberry plants. In one part of their study they examined the effect of low-intensity fire on the production (grams of blueberries per m2), stem density (number of stems per m2), and number of berries per stem of Velvet Leaf Blueberry (Vaccinium myrtilloides) in plots found in stands of clear-cut Jack Pine (Pinus banksiana) in eastern Ontario. A small portion of their data is shown in the bb data frame below.

#R>  # A tibble: 8 x 5
#R>     plot tx      prod  stem bdens
#R>    <int> <chr>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#R>  1     1 Before   452    32   5.2
#R>  2     1 After    507    37   6.1
#R>  3     2 Before   623    17   6.1
#R>  4     2 After    691    26   5.9
#R>  5     3 Before   378    21   6.7
#R>  6     3 After    483    27   6.8
#R>  7     4 Before    98    13   3.3
#R>  8     4 After    142    15   3.2

As part of their analysis they wanted to create new variables that recorded the increase (negative number would mean decrease) of each plant characteristic between the before and after fire times for each plot. To accomplish this for, for example, berry production the data frame needs to be modified so that production before the fire is one variable and production after the fire is a second variable. This organization would then be repeated for both stem density and berry density.

From this description it is evident that bb needs to be pivoted from a “longer” to a “wider” format. The names_from= variable should be set to tx as we want new columns for “Before” and “After.” However, values_from= needs to be each of prod and stem and bdens. Fortunately, all three variables can be placed into a single vector set equal to values_from= to simultaneously pivot each of the three berry characteristics from their “longer” to “wider” formats.

bb2 <- pivot_wider(bb,names_from=tx,values_from=c(prod,stem,bdens))
#R>  # A tibble: 4 x 7
#R>     plot prod_Before prod_After stem_Before stem_After bdens_Before bdens_After
#R>    <int>       <dbl>      <dbl>       <dbl>      <dbl>        <dbl>       <dbl>
#R>  1     1         452        507          32         37          5.2         6.1
#R>  2     2         623        691          17         26          6.1         5.9
#R>  3     3         378        483          21         27          6.7         6.8
#R>  4     4          98        142          13         15          3.3         3.2

Variables that are the increase in each of the three berry characteristic variables are created below using two functions (mutate() and select()) that you will learn in Module 6.

bb2 %>%
         bdens_inc=bdens_After-bdens_Before) %>%
#R>  # A tibble: 4 x 4
#R>     plot prod_inc stem_inc bdens_inc
#R>    <int>    <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
#R>  1     1       55        5     0.900
#R>  2     2       68        9    -0.200
#R>  3     3      105        6     0.100
#R>  4     4       44        2    -0.100


  1. Converting and graphing these data will be shown in Section 5.4.↩︎

  2. There are still other ways (e.g., cols=contains("x")) but these four would be the most common given the names in this data frame.↩︎

  3. There are other arguments to pivot_longer() for dealing with more complicated naming issues.↩︎