
CRAN-Released R Packages

These packages are now maintained by the fishR-Core-Team, of which I am a member.


Unreleased R Packages

  • FSAWs: For constructing and validating standard weight (Ws) equations for fish.
  • NCStats: Helper functions for statistics courses at Northland College.

Other packages that are less well-developed or maintained are available on my Github page


Contributions to Other R Packages

  • plotrix::histStack(): Construct histograms with bars stacked according to a categorical variable.
  • pgirmess::kruskalmc(): A generic wrapper function for performing multiple comparisons for a Kruskal-Wallis test.
  • car::leveneTest(): A generic wrapper function for performing Levene’s homogeneity of variances test.
  • plotrix::plotH(): Construct histogram-like modifications of scatterplots.



This website is now maintained by the fishR-Core-Team, of which I am a member.