Introduction We are deprecating residPlot() from the next version of FSA (v0.9.0). It will likely be removed at the end of the year 2001. We are taking this action to...
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We are deprecating filterD() from the next version of FSA (v0.9.0). It will likely be removed by the start of 2022. filterD() was an attempt to streamline the process of...
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Introduction We are deprecating fitPlot() from the next version of FSA (v0.9.0). It will likely be removed at the end of the year 2001. We are taking this action to...
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Introduction The compIntercepts() function in FSA (prior to v0.9.0) was used to statistically compare intercepts for all pairs of groups with the same slope in an indicator/dummy variable regression (I/DVR)....
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Introduction The compSlopes() function in FSA (prior to v0.9.0) was used to statistically compare slopes for all pairs of groups in an indicator/dummy variable regression (I/DVR). However, the excellent emtrends()...
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