Body Temperature

In the following two applied questions note:
  • The hypotheses must be defined as noted in the first assignment for this module.
  • The summary statement (question 5 in each) is your answer to the research hypothesis/question based on your p-value results. Generally, this is a restatement about whether you believe (i.e., rejected H0) or don’t believe (i.e., did not reject H0) the HA because the HA is generally formed from the research hypothesis. This statement should be in the context of the problem and should be made clear that it is about the parameter (see “mean” in each statement below) in the population (see “all” in each statement below).
  • Your p-value may be slightly (though not dramatically) different if you rounded your x̄ and SE differently than I did.
  1. HA μ ≠ 37 vs. H0 μ = 37 where μ is mean normal body temperature for ALL people in the population.
  2. The p-value is the probability that x̄=36.81 or “not equals” assuming that μ=37.
  3. p-value=0.00000148
  4. Reject H0 because p-value < alpha;.
  5. Average body temperature is less than 37oC for all individuals in this population.

R Appendix.


Beetle Size

  1. HA μ > 190 vs. H0 μ = 190, where μ is the mean thorax length (μm) for all Halticus oleracea beetles in this population.
  2. p=value is the probability that x̄=194.17 μm or greater assuming that μ=190
  3. p-value=0.119.
  4. Do not reject H0 because the p-value > α.
  5. The average thorax length for all Halticus oleracea beetles in this population does not appear to be greater than 190 μm.

R Appendix.
