Gas Data for my Truck

An analysis of every tank of gas that I have put in my truck.

Derek H. Ogle


Feb 2, 2023


Jan 2, 2024

In late September 2016 I bought a Ford F-150 (Figure 1). This was one of the first versions of the aluminum bodied trucks. For that reason, and just out of curiosity, I kept data relative to every tank of gas that I have put into the truck.

A few results as of December 18, 2024.

More detailed results are below.

Figure 1: My 2016 Ford F-150.


Miles Driven

Figure 2: Total miles driven per year separated by ‘warm’ and ‘cold’ months. Note that 2020 was the ‘Covid’ year.
Figure 3: Total miles driven per year pulling something (boat, tractor, etc.) separated by ‘warm’ and ‘cold’ months. Note that 2020 was the ‘Covid’ year.

Gas Costs

Figure 4: Total gallons of gas purchased per year separated by ‘warm’ and ‘cold’ months. Note that 2020 was the ‘Covid’ year.
Figure 5: Total cost of gas purchased per year separated by ‘warm’ and ‘cold’ months. Note that 2020 was the ‘Covid’ year.
Figure 6: Number of ‘fill-ups’ per year separated into major towns. Note that 2020 was the ‘Covid’ year.
Figure 7: Cost per gallon of gas by individual tank of gas. Tanks where premium gas was purchased are highlighted. Note that 2020 was the ‘Covid’ year.

Gas Mileage

Figure 8: Average miles per gallon by year.
Figure 9: Miles per gallon for individual tanks of gas separated by categories of miles pulling something. The red dashed line is the overall average miles per gallon.