Weaver’s Needle Cross Loop

I hiked a loop that included Weaver’s Needle Crosscut trail on February 11, 2024. The loop begins with the Dutchman’s Trail and Brush Spring Trail that forms the end of the Cave Trail loop. I continued on the Brush Spring Trail through a pass into Needle Canyon. I then hopped on the Terrapin Trail to Bluff Saddle where I began the Weaver’s Needle Crosscut Trail. The first half or so of the crosscut trail is easy to follow but the last half requires some scrambling before a fairly quick descent to the Peralta Canyon Trail. I don’t think I followed a typical path but I could see the Peralta Canyon Trail and just navigated my way down it. I then returned on the Peralta Canyon Trail through Fremont’s Saddle and down to the Peralta Trailhead. This was a beautiful day hike that I will definitely do again.

Walk-Specific Map

See Superstition Wilderness Overview page for an overview map of all hikes.

Take Note
  • Click on a segment to get specific information.
  • Numeric labels correspond to the same labels in the elevation profile and summary information below.
  • See Superstition Wilderness Overview page for description of use of controls.

Elevation Profile


GPX Download

A sanitized GPX file of our hike is here.

Summary Information

NUM trackID Primary Description Distance CumDist DeltaElev
1 DTCHMN01 Dutchman's Tr (104) Peralta TH to Bluff Spring Tr 0.05 0.05 13
2 BLUFSP01 Bluff Spring Tr (235) Dutchman's Tr to Geronimo Cave Tr 0.68 0.73 504
3 BLUFSP02 Bluff Spring Tr (235) Geronimo Cave Tr to Terrapin Tr 1.66 2.40 217
4 TERRAP01 Terrapin Tr (234) Bluff Spring Tr to Weaver's Needle Crosscut Tr 0.85 3.25 200
5 WVRCUT01 Weaver's Needle Crosscut Tr Terrapin Tr to Peralta Canyon Tr 1.06 4.31 -137
6 PRLTCN02 Peralta Canyon Tr (102) Weaver's Needle Crosscut Tr to Fremont Saddle 1.40 5.71 546
7 PRLTCN01 Peralta Canyon Tr (102) Fremont Saddle to Peralta TH 2.27 7.97 -1361