Other Notable Hikes

I commonly hike near home, near my childhood home, and in the Superstition Mountains (AZ), but we also like to hike in other areas while on day trips or vacations. These “one-off” hikes are listed below.


Tucson, AZ

Kim and I went to Tucson on February 11-13, 2025 and got in some amazing hike in Picacho Peak State Park (on the way down) and in Saguaro National Park.


Kim and I vacationed in Switzerland on October 5-13, 2024. Some of our walks/hikes are listed below.

Red Rocks (CO) to see Brandi Carlile

Kim and I were in Colorado on September 6-8, 2024 with nieces Mallory and Marissa to see Brandi Carlile at Red Rocks Amphitheater (great shows, BTW).

North Carolina for a Wedding

Kim and I were in North Carolina on June 22-26, 2024 for my nephew Dillon’s wedding to Emma.

Grand Canyon

Kim and I visited Grand Canyon National Park from February 12-14, 2024.

New Mexico and Arizona Roadtrip

Kim and I drove to Arizona on February 17-21, 2023 with stops in Kansas City, Santa Fe, and Albuquerque. Along the way we hiked around Santa Fe and Albuquerque and visited Petrogyph National Monument and Petrified Forest National Park.

Notable Day or Weekend Trips