Pre-Requisite Knowledge

You should be familiar with the following topics from your Introductory Statistics course. We will very briefly review these items but you will be expected to be comfortable with these topics at the start of the course. [Links are to these broad topics in my Introductory Statistics course.]

I suggest reviewing the items listed below to reacquaint yourself with the R software. Again, we will very briefly review these items during the course but you are expected to have some familiarity with them when the course starts.


Prepare Software/Apps

The following apps should be initiated before the first day of class.

  • MS Teams Course Site
    • Note that there is a short assignment at the end of this description that should be completed before the first day of class.
  • Gradescope Grading Site
    • You should have received an e-mail from me inviting you to activate a GradeScope account and join this class. Make sure to follow the directions in that e-mail. Contact me if you did not get that e-mail.

If you plan to use your own computer to run R/RStudio then you should complete the following items before the first day of class. Note the required version numbers below. If you have previously installed these softwares then you may need to update them (everybody will need to update NCStats). If you plan to use the college computers you do not need to do the next four items.

  • Install R (at least v 4.0.0) … for Windowsfor Macsjust accept defaults
  • Install RStudio (at least v 1.3.0) … Choose Windows/Mac herejust accept defaults
  • Install NCStats (at least v 0.4.8) … copy-and-paste the following three lines into the “Console” of RStudio (and hit return)
if (!require('manipulate')) utils::install.packages('manipulate')
if (!require('remotes')) install.packages('remotes'); require('remotes')
  • Install Microsoft Word and Excel (from the Office 365 Suite) … follow these directions
    • The web-based versions of Excel and Word are not adequate for our purposes; you need the “full” versions.
    • This software is free to Northland students as described in the link.

Regardless if you use your own computer or not, you should do the following before the first day of class.

  • Create a folder where you will save all of your work (especially R work) for this course this semester. If you are using the College’s computers I suggest creating this folder on the “T:/” drive.

Contact me if you have any issues with any of the above items.


Prepare Content

Please do the following things in preparation for the first day of class.


In-Class Activities

The following items will be completed in class.


Archived Materials

  • None yet