
All assignments in this course will be turned in on GradeScope. You should have received an e-mail from me inviting you to activate a GradeScope account and join this class. Make sure to follow the directions in that e-mail. If you do not have that e-mail you can also access Gradescope from the quick link on the class homepage (you will need to email me for the access code (as described here). Let me know if you have any questions.

Read the last page of this document for how to upload the PDF to Gradescope. When submitting your document you will identify on which pages you answer each question … please do this carefully and completely (if your answer spans two pages, then make sure to select both pages).

Gradescope provides a list of FAQs for students here.


Exercises Without R

A few exercises this semester can be completed without using R. For these exercises, you can either type or hand-write your answers. If you type your answers then you will need to convert the document to a PDF for turning in via GradeScope. If you hand-write your answers then you will need to create a PDF of your hand-written document. The first two pages of this document explains how to use your device to create a PDF from your hand-written papers. Here are more apps for creating a PDF of your hand-written work. Please take a few moments to make sure that what you turn in is easy to read, clear (i.e., not blurry), as large as possible, and complete.


Exercises With R

Notebooks in RStudio are an efficient way to enter R code, show results of R code, write answers to assignment questions, and compile all of that to a PDF that can be handed in.

This process is described in detail in this module from my Introductory Statistics course.