Data may be entered into a Google Sheet and then loaded into RStudio with the following steps.

  • Open Google Sheets.
  • Enter the data with each variable in a separate column and each individual in separate rows. Make sure that the first row contains the variable names (without spaces).
google-sheets data entry

google-sheets data entry

  • Rename the sheet (click on “Untitled spreadsheet” and give a new name).
  • Publish the sheet to the web by selecting the File menu and the Publish to the web submenu. In the ensuing dialog box, change “Entire Document” to “Sheet1” and “Web Page” to “Comma-separated values (.csv)”. Then press the Publish button and press OK when asked to confirm publishing. The dialog box will now look similar to that below.
google-sheets link

google-sheets link

  • Select and copy (CTRL-C or CMD-C) the entire link shown in the box above.
  • Open RStudio.
  • Enter and run the line below (but with your link between the quotes).
> df <- read.csv("")
> str(df)
'data.frame':   11 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ type : Factor w/ 2 levels "humanities","science": 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ books: int  7 1 3 2 17 12 9 6 15 13 ...
> df
         type books
1     science     7
2     science     1
3     science     3
4     science     2
5  humanities    17
6  humanities    12
7  humanities     9
8  humanities     6
9  humanities    15
10 humanities    13
11 humanities    17