Navigating Graduation Requirements I
To graduate from Northland you must meet certain academic requirements that include completing the Liberal Education for the Environment and Society (LEES) curriculum and the curriculum for a major. Some students may choose to complete an additional major, a minor, or multiple minors. In this module, you will be introduced to the requirements for graduating from Northland.

After completing this module, you should be able to ...
  1. Articulate Northland College’s mission
  2. List three main graduation requirements
  3. List four main categories in the LEES curriculum
  4. Show how to find courses that fit the LEES categories
  5. Show how to find courses required for a major (of interest)


Preparation for Class (Do BEFORE Class)

  • Print the requirements for a major or two that you are interested in.
    • Goto the College Catalog … select “Majors and Minors” on the left … scroll down to find and select your major … select the printer icon in the upper-right (which will open a new window; here is an example for History) … select “Print This Page”
  • Also print the requirements for any minors that you are interested in.
  • Prepare to bring a computer to class (if you don’t have one then let me know ASAP).

In-Class Work

After Class Assignment

  • Complete as much of the four-year plan worksheet as you can or develop specific questions that you need answered. In the next class period you will briefly discuss your draft four-year plan with me and the student mentor.