Working With Career Services on Campus
In addition to class work and extracurricular activities, it is also important to get "field" experience such as work-study, internships, externships, or a job before you graduate. Key to getting one of these positions is understand which (and when) positions are available, developing an effective resume or curriculum vitae (a CV), writing effective cover letters, and interviewing well. Your advisor or professors can help you with some of these things but Northland also has an excellent professional that is here to help you find and successfully compete for these positions. You will be introduced to the Career Services resources in this module.

After completing this module, you should be able to ...
  1. Identify services provided by the office of Career Services at Northland;
  2. Create a profile on Handshake that can be used to find on- and off-campus employment and internship opportunities; and
  3. Identify your own areas of strength and interests.


Preparation for Class (Do BEFORE Class)

  • WE WILL MEET IN WHEELER 110 for this class period.
  • Reflect on the results of past career or interest inventories you have completed.
  • Prepare to bring a laptop, tablet, or smartphone to the class period to complete activities directed by the guest speaker.

Class Work

  • Julie Winter, Student Career Advisor, will introduce Northland’s Career Services resources and introduce you to TypeFocus (an interactive program that assesses your interests and strengths, and introduces you to majors at Northland and careers that align with your interests). Here is a guide for “claiming your TypeFocus account.”

After Class Assignment

  • Complete a TypeFocus inventory. Screen capture or picture of your completed profile should be put on GradeScope by next Friday 6pm.
  • Do class preparation for the next module.