fishR or the FSA package were cited in the following 22 publications.

  1. Apostolidis C, Stergiou KI. 2014. Estimation of growth parameters from published data for several Mediterranean fishes. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 30:189-194. Abstract. [Growth – Von Bertalanffy]
  2. Carmona-Catot G, Santos AFGN, Tedesco PA, Garcia-Berthou E. 2014. Quantifying seasonality along a latitudinal gradient: from stream temperature to growth of invasive mosquitofish. Ecosphere 5(10):134. PDF. [Growth – Somer’s Von Bertalanffy]
  3. Carroll, A. 2014. Population dynamics of the European Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in Welsh waters. MSc Thesis, Bangor University. PDF. [Growth – Von Bertalanffy??]
  4. Coad JO, Hüssy K, Farrell ED, Clarke MW. 2014. The recent population expansion of boarfish, Capros aper (Linnaeus, 1758): interactions of climate, growth and recruitment. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 30:463-471. Abstract / Full Text. [von Bertalanffy Growth Comparison]
  5. Dwyer KS, Treble MA, Campana SE. 2014. Age and growth of Greenland Halibut in the Northwest Atlantic. North Atlantic Fisheries Organization, Scientific Council Meeting - June, 2013. PDF. [Growth – Von Bertalanffy]
  6. Frazier BS, Driggers WB, Adams DH, Jones CM, and Loefer JK. 2014. Validated age, growth and maturity of the bonnethead Sphyrna tiburo in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Fish Biology. Abstract. [Age – Precision and Bias; Growth – Von Bertalanffy]
  7. Harbicht A, Wilson CC, Fraser DJ. 2014. Does human-induced hybridization have long-term genetic effects? Empirical testing with domesticated, wild and hybridized fish populations. Evolutionary Applications. 7:1180-1191. Full Text / PDF. [Abundance – Schnabel]
  8. Hatefi, A. 2014. Mixture model analysis with rank based samples. PhD Dissertation, University of Manitoba. PDF.
  9. Kornis MS, Weidel BC, Powers SM, Diebel MW, Cline TJ, Fox JM, Kitchell JF. 2014. Fish community dynamics following dam removal in a fragmented agricultural stream. Aquatic Sciences 77:465-480. Abstract / PDF. [Catchability – Depletion model]
  10. Lin M, Chevalier M, Lek S, Zhang L, Gozlan RE, Liu J, Zhang T, Ye S, Li W, Li Z. 2014. Eutrophication as a driver of r‐selection traits in a freshwater fish. Journal of Fish Biology 85:343-354. Abstract / PDF. [Growth – Von Bertalanffy]
  11. McBride RS, Sutherland SJ, Merry S, Jacobson LD. 2014. Agreement of historical Yellowtail Flounder age estimates: 1963-2007. Transboundary Resource Assessment Committee Working Paper 2014/32. PDF. [Age Comparisons – Bias and Precision]
  12. McDougall CA, CC Barth, JK Aiken, LM Henderson, MA Blanchard, KM Ambrose, CL Hrenchuk, MA Gillespie, PA Nelson. 2014. How to sample juvenile Lake Sturgeon, (Acipenser fulvescens Rafinesque, 1817), in Boreal Shield rivers using gill nets, with an emphasis on assessing recruitment patterns. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 30:1402-1415. Abstract. [Age Comparisons – Bias and Precision]
  13. Morrongiello JR, Walsh CT, Gray CA, Stocks JR, Crook DA. 2014. Environmental change drives long‐term recruitment and growth variation in an estuarine fish. Global Change Biology. 20:1944-1860. Full Text. [Mortality – Catch Curve]
  14. Muir AM, Vecsei P, Power M, Krueger CC, Reist JD. 2014. Morphology and life history of the Great Slave Lake ciscoes (Salmoniformes: Coregonidae). Ecology of Freshwater Fish 23:453-469. PDF. [Growth – Von Bertalanffy]
  15. Muir AM, Vecsei P, Power M, Krueger CC, Reist JD. 2014. Morphology and life history of the Great Slave Lake ciscoes (Salmoniformes: Coregonidae). DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document. PDF. [Growth – Von Bertalanffy]
  16. Pratt TC, Gardner WM, Pearce J, Greenwood S, Chong SC. 2014. Identification of a robust Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens Rafinesque, 1917) population in Goulais Bay, Lake Superior. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 30:1328-1334. Abstract. [Mortality; Survival; Growth – Von Bertalanffy]
  17. Sulun S, Baskurt S, Emiroglu O, Giannetto D, Tarkan AS, Agdamar S, Gaygusuz O, Dorak Z, Aydin H, Dicek A. 2014. Development of empirical standard weight equation for Pursak chub Squalius pursakensis, an endemic cyprinid of Northwest Anatolia. Turkish Journal of Zoology. 38:582-589. PDF. [Condition – Relative Weight]
  18. Svedang, H. and S. Hornborg. 2014. Selective fishing induces density-dependent growth. Nature Communications . HTML/PDF. [Growth – von Bertalanffy]
  19. Syuhada, I. 2014. The biology and population ecology of deep-sea red crabs, Chaceon spp. in the North Atlantic Ocean. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Rhode Island. PDF. [Age-Length Key]
  20. Vilizzi L, Ekmekc FG, Tarkan AS, Jackson ZJ. 2014. Growth of common carp Cyprinus carpio in Anatolia (Turkey), with a comparison to native and invasive areas worldwide. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 24:165-180. PDF. [Von Bertalanffy Growth]
  21. Vilizzi L, Thwaites LA, Smith BB. 2014. Exploitation by Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio) of a floodplain wetland of the Lower River Murray under drought and flooding conditions. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia. 138:113-123. Abstract / PDF. [Size Structure – PSD]
  22. Yuksel F, Alp A, Gunduz F, Zulfu Coban M, Demirol F. 2014. Estimation of the population size of Capoeta umbla (Heckel, 1843) in the Lake Hazar (Elazig) by removal method. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostrutures 9:167-174. PDF. [Abundance – Depletion]

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