fishR or the FSA package were cited in the following 19 publications.

  1. Agüera, A, Brophy D. 2012. Growth and age of Atlantic Saury, Scomberesox saurus saurus (Walbaum), in the Northeastern Atlantic Ocean. Fisheries Research 131-133:60-66. Abstract. [Growth – Von Bertalanffy]
  2. Chandrasekhar TR. 2012. Evaluation of unconstrained and constrained mathematical functions to model girth growth of rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis) using young age measurements. Journal of Forestry Research 23:365-375. Abstract. [Growth – Von Bertalanffy]
  3. Danco, V. 2012. The association between watershed characteristics and mercury concentrations in fish of northern Ontario Lakes. Master’s Thesis, Lakehead University. DOC. [Growth – Von Bertalanffy]
  4. Duhaime J. 2012. Predictable changes in abundance, composition, and size structure of fish and macroinvertebrates along an urbanization gradient in the Ottawa-Gatineau Area. Doctoral dissertation, University of Ottawa. PDF. [Abundance – depletion]
  5. Fontenelle JH, Miranda MS. 2012. The use of outer lip in age estimation of Megalobulimus paranaguensis (Gastropoda, Pulmonata). Strombus 18:15-22. PDF. [Growth – Von Bertalanffy]
  6. García-Berthou E, Carmona-Catot G, Merciai R, Ogle DH. 2012. A technical note on seasonal growth models. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 22:635-640. PDF. [Growth – Von Bertalanffy]
  7. Giannetto D, Carosi A, Franchi E, La Porta G, Lorenzoni M. 2012. Proposed standard weight (Ws) equation for European perch (Perca fluviatilis Linnaeus, 1758). Journal of Applied Ichthyology 28:34-39. PDF. [Condition – standard weight]
  8. Giannetto D, Franchi E, Pompei L, Lorenzoni M, Porcellotti S, Tancioni L. 2012. Proposed empirical standard weight equation for brook chub Squalius lucumonis. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:428-435. Abstract. [Condition – relative weight]
  9. Giannetto D, Pompei L, Lorenzoni M, Tarkan AS. 2012. Empirical standard weight equation for the Aegean Chub Squalius fellowesii, an endemic freshwater fish species of Western Anatolia, Turkey. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:1102-1107. Abstract. [Condition – relative weight]
  10. Hendriks IE, Basso L, Deudero S, Cabanellas-Reboredo M, Álvarez E. 2012. Relative growth rates of the Noble Pen Shell Pinna nobilis throughout ontogeny around the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean, Spain). Journal of Shellfish Research 31:749-756. Abstract. [Growth – Von Bertalanffy]
  11. Hüssy K, Coad JO, Farrell ED, Clausen LW, Clarke MW. 2012. Sexual dimorphism in size, age, maturation, and growth characteristics of boarfish (Capros aper) in the Northeast Atlantic. ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil 69:1729-1735. Abstract. [Growth – Von Bertalanffy]
  12. Lorenzoni M, Giannetto D, Maio G, Pizzul E, Pompei L, Turin P, Vincenzi S, Crivelli A. 2012. Empirical standard mass equation for Salmo marmoratus. Journal of Fish Biology 81:2086-2091. PDF. [Condition – relative weight]
  13. Lozano C, Houde ED, Wingate RL, Secor DH. 2012. Age, growth and hatch dates of ingressing larvae and surviving juveniles of Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus. Journal of Fish Biology 81:1665-1685. Abstract. [Age-Length Key]
  14. Olson AD. 2012. Life history traits of the mirror shiner, Notropis spectrunculus, in western North Carolina. Doctoral dissertation, Western Carolina University. PDF. [Growth – Von Bertalanffy; Mortality – catch curve]
  15. Poos M, Lawrie D, Tu C, Jackson DA, Mandrak NE. 2012. Estimating local and regional population sizes for an endangered minnow, redside dace (Clinostomus elongatus), in Canada. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 22:47-57. PDF. [Growth – mark-recapture and depletion]
  16. Pratt TC, Chong SC. 2012. Contemporary life history characteristics of Lake Superior deepwater ciscoes. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 15:322-332. Abstract. [Growth – Von Bertalanffy; Mortality – catch curve]
  17. Satterthwaite WH, Hayes SA, Merz JE, Sogard SM, Frechette DM, Mangel M. 2012. State-dependent migration timing and use of multiple habitat types in anadromous salmonids. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:781-794. Abstract. [Abundance – mark-recapture]
  18. Surry AM, Fong KH, Rutherford DT. 2012. Update to the assessment framework for the Pink and Spiny scallop (Chlamys rubida and C. hastata) dive fishery in waters of the west coast of Canada. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariate Research Document 123. PDF. [Growth – von Bertalanffy; Mortality – catch curve, Chapman-Robson]
  19. Young JA, Koops MA. 2012. Recovery potential modelling of Silver Shiner (Notropis photogenis) in Canada. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc,131. PDF. [Age-Length Key]

Goto 2013 citations | Goto 2011 & Before citations