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R versions of boxed examples for the Analysis and Interpretation of Freshwater Fisheries Data (2007)

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The following are R versions of the “boxed example analyses” in the Analysis and Interpretation of Freshwater Fisheries Data book (Guy and Brown, 2007). Not all chapters, nor all boxes within each chapter, have been completed. Please cite original authors if using these methods in a publication.

  1. Science and Statistics in Fisheries Research
  2. Fisheries Management Study Design Considerations
  3. Sampling and Experimental Design
  4. Recruitment
  5. Age and Growth
  6. Mortality
  7. Relative Abundance and Catch per Unit Effort
  8. Abundance, Biomass, and Production
  9. Size Structure
  10. Condition
  11. Assessment of Diets and Feeding Patterns
  12. Bioenergetics
  13. Fish Population Bioassessment
  14. Analysis of Movement and Habitat Use from Telemetry Data
  15. Community Indices, Parameters, and Comparisons
  16. Predator-Prey Interactions
  17. Habitat Evaluation
  18. Watershed Level Approaches