Enter and Read Data I
Enter data of your choosing into a spreadsheet (preferably Excel) for at least three related variables recorded on at least five individuals. You may use the same data as in your Data Structures Exercise. Save the file in your spreadsheet software and as a CSV file.
Read your external CSV file into a data frame object in R. Show your code for reading the external file, displaying the full data frame, and displaying the structure of the data frame.
Read your external Excel file into a data frame object in R. [If you used Google Sheets instead of Excel then load directly from Google Sheets.] Show your code for reading the external file, displaying the full data frame, and displaying the structure of the data frame.
Enter and Read Data II
Enter the credit load by year-in-school data from this Data Structures Exercise into a spreadsheet in tidy format and then load into R. Show your code for reading the external file, displaying the full data frame, and displaying the structure of the data frame.
Reading Data I
Read these data into R. Show your code for reading the external file, displaying the full data frame, and displaying the structure of the data frame. [You should examine the external file prior to trying to read it into R.]
Reading Data II
Read these data into R. Show your code for reading the external file, displaying the full data frame, and displaying the structure of the data frame. [You should examine the external file prior to trying to read it into R.]
Reading Data III
Read these data into R. Show your code for reading the external file, displaying the full data frame, and displaying the structure of the data frame. [You should examine the external file prior to trying to read it into R.]
Reading Data IV
Read these data into R by making sure that all missing values are treated properly. Show your code for reading the external file, displaying the full data frame, and displaying the structure of the data frame. [You should examine the external file prior to trying to read it into R.]
Reading Data V
Read these data into R by making sure that all missing values are treated properly. Show your code for reading the external file, displaying the full data frame, and displaying the structure of the data frame. [You should examine the external file prior to trying to read it into R.]
Reading Data VI
Read these data into R by making sure that all missing values are treated properly. Show your code for reading the external file, displaying the full data frame, and displaying the structure of the data frame. [You should examine the external file prior to trying to read it into R.]
Reading Data VII
Read the sheet named “ChallengeData_6” in these data into R by making sure that all missing values are treated properly. Show your code for reading the external file, displaying the full data frame, and displaying the structure of the data frame. [You should examine the external file prior to trying to read it into R.]