Please review the course syllabus and webpage to find answers for the following questions. Please ask any questions on the "Questions -- Preparation Guide" on the course Team (see link on the homepage).
- What “names” will I respond to?
- When are my in-person office hours?
- How is it possible to ask me a question outside of class and outside of formal office hours?
- What is the name of the software (“app”) where I prefer that you ask questions?
- What is an “academic alert”?
- What module is scheduled to be covered on 1-Feb?
- When will you turn in your answers to the module preparation questions for the module covered on 1-Feb?
- Where will you turn in your answers to the module preparation questions for the module covered on 1-Feb?
- What percent of your overall grade are the module preparation questions worth?
- When will you turn in your answers to the module assignment for the module covered on 1-Feb?
- Where will you turn in your answers to the module assignment questions for the module covered on 1-Feb?
- What percent of your overall grade are the module assignments worth?
- How is “class engagement” assessed? How much of your final grade is “class engagement” worth?
- How many exams are there in this class? On what dates are they scheduled?
- Approximately how many hours are you expected to work outside of class time on this course?
- Are you allowed to work with friends on module assignments? If so, what must you make sure to do (or not to do)?
- Are late assignments accepted?
- Where must your cell phones be during class time?
- Can you bring your own computer to class? Do you have to have your own computer for class?
- [Optional] What questions do you have from this reading that you would like me to address? [Please be as specific as possible. Don't just say "everything" or "I don't understand anything." Of course, you can ask me questions before class on MS Teams.]