Read this, Sections 11.2.4 in Ogle (2016) and re-read end of Section 6.3.2 (about assumptions) in Miranda and Bettolli (2006)] and answer the following questions.
- What are the assumptions of a catch curve model for estimating Z?
- What assumption about recruitment is made for a catch curve? Is this a realistic assumption? How do modest violations of this assumption affect the estimates of Z?
- How large of a sample is needed for a catch curve analysis?
Read Sections 11.4 in Ogle (2016) and answer the following questions.
- Define Z, F, M, and μ.
- What is the relationship between Z, F, and M?
- Explain what is meant by “meta-analysis to estimate M, F, or Z.”
- Check out this online tool that provides meta-analytic estimates of M.
Read Section 6.6 in Miranda and Bettolli (2006) and answer the following questions.
- Explain how the regression between Z and fishing effort can be used to estimate M. What are some problems with this method.
- Explain how the catch-curve methods of the last module could be used to estimate M.
- Explain how mark-recapture data can be used to estimate F (carefully explain what else must be know for this method to work).
Read Allen and Hightower (2010) Mortality (most of the complete chapter) and answer the following questions.
- Explain how mortality rate changes with age from hatch through late adulthood.
- What kind of management actions can be enacted to control F?
- Describe what abundance (y-axis) versus time (x-axis) would look like if one followed a cohort (i.e., year-class) of fish through time.
- Describe the difference between a discrete (Type I) and continuous (Type II) fishery.
- How is μ calculated in a continuous fishery?
- How is A computed from m and n in a continuous fishery? Why is the product of m and n included in this computation?
Read Sections 6.8-6.10 in Miranda and Bettolli (2006) and answer the following questions.
- How is “additive mortality” defined?
- How is “compensatory mortality” defined?
- What does “additive mortality” look like in a plot of A versus μ?
- What does “compensatory” look like in a plot of A versus μ?
- How might the realization that compensatory mortality exists and an understand of how it exists influence management decisions?
- What are management tools (i.e., regulations) commonly used to modify fishing mortality?
- What is the greatest difficulty in estimating mortality?