Read this and this and answer the following questions.1

  1. Draw a plot of abundance (numbers of organisms) against time that represents exponential growth.
  2. Draw a plot of abundance (numbers of organisms) against time that represents logistic growth.
  3. What do Nt, Nt+1, N0, r, and K represent in the exponential and logistic growth functions/models.
  4. What are the fundamental differences in assumptions underlying the exponential and logistic growth functions/models.
  5. What is the difference between a discrete and a continuous function/model?
  6. Describe a (fish-related) situation where the exponential function/model may adequately represent population growth?
  7. Describe a (fish-related) situation where the logistic function/model may adequately represent population growth?

  1. If you are looking for more information, consult your Ecology book or this and this