Read Effects of a Reduced Daily Bag Limit on Bluegill Size Structure in Wisconsin Lakes (Rypel, 2015) and be prepared to discuss the following items in class.
- What has a major impact on Bluegill size structure?
- Describe the two major life history strategies employed by male Bluegill? How does this impact management of this species?
- What were the objectives of this study?
- Describe the “before-after control-impact” (BACI) design used in this study.
- Explain why the interaction term in the two-way ANOVA analysis is the effect of interest in this study.
- Be prepared to discuss Figures 2 and 3, and Table 2.
- Be prepared to explain Figure 4.
- Do you think that an increase of 20 mm in mean length is “important” (see author’s discussion of why he used “modest” in his descriptions)?
- What was a major shortcoming of this study?
- What are (at least three) take home messages from this reading?