Climate Change Perspectives
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), representing 195 countries, recently released a report assessing the science related to climate change. National Public Radio (NPR) summarized the report as "Global climate change is accelerating and human-caused emissions of greenhouse gases are the overwhelming cause. There is still time to avoid catastrophic warming this century, but only if countries around the world stop burning fossil fuels as quickly as possible. The message to world leaders is more dire, and more unequivocal, than ever before." In this module we will introduce and discuss some basic concepts of climate change.

After completing this module, you should be able to ...
  1. Describe the differences between "Global Warming" and "Climate Change".
  2. Describe the primary contributor to "Global Warming" and "Climate Change".
  3. Describe how much average temperature has increased in the last several decates.


Preparation for Class (Do BEFORE Class)

In-Class Work

  • Participate in the discussion led by Dr. Meghan Salmon-Tumas.

After Class Assignment

  • Complete the preparation worksheet. Due Friday 5-Nov on GradeScope.
  • Do class preparation for next module.