Navigating Graduation Requirements I
A four-year plan is a map of when you plan to take courses that are required for the Liberal Education for the Environment and Society (LEES), your major(s), and, optionally, your minor(s) curricula. The four-year plan will also show you that you have "time" to take other courses that may interest you. A four-year plan will also help you be prepared for your biannual "registration advising" meeting with your academic advisor. In this module, you will complete the four-year plan that you began in the last module.

After completing this module, you should be able to ...
  1. Demonstrate how to gather information (e.g., required courses, prerequisites, times taught, overlap with LEES or other major/minor requirements) required to develop a four-year plan of courses.
  2. Demonstrate how to develop a four-year plan of courses.
  3. Describe what it means to be prepared for "registration advising" meetings with your academic advisor.


Preparation for Class (Do BEFORE Class)

  • Complete as much of the four-year plan worksheet (started last time) as you can or come with specific questions that you need answered to do so.
  • Bookmark/Favorite this page.
  • Make sure you know who your academic advisor is.

In-Class Work

After Class Assignment

  • Complete your four-year plan worksheet. Due next class period.
  • Do class preparation for next module.