
A very small data set is contained in Geoms_Example.csv. Please load these data1 and display the results.2

Geoms I

Create a base plot that maps x to the “lon” variable and y to the “lat” variable. Add geom_s to this base plot to make the eight plots we made during lecture.3

Geoms II

There are other geom_s that we did not discuss during lecture. Of the others, geom_density_2d(), geom_hex(), geom_step(), geom_rug(), and geom_label() (note that geom_label() requires the same aes() argument as geom_text()) may be used with these same data. Add two of these geom_s to your base plot from above (add the geom_s one at a time to make two plots). Explain what was plotted (note that you may want to perform an internet search on the geom_ name for help with what it is plotting).

Geoms III

Add one or more of the geom_s from “Geoms I” above AND one or more of the geom_s from “Geoms II” above to create a single plot that is at least somewhat interesting (with the understanding that it is probably not that interesting yet as we don’t have much in our toolbox yet).

  1. Download the data and load them from there into R. How to load a CSV file into RStudio is described in this video, for which the password is “NCStats” (without the quotes).↩︎

  2. Simply type the name of the object you saved the results in. In the lecture I would just type dfobj.↩︎

  3. Don’t forget to load the tidyverse.↩︎